2 mins read

Food for Hyperactive Kids

If you have a hyperactive kid who can drive you nuts, you may literally want to feed him nuts. The thought behind a diet for hyperactive kids is that certain foods may help the brain function better by decreasing the symptoms that hyperactive kids have, such as being restless and unable to focus. Certain foods, such as proteins — which include nuts — are brain food.

3 mins read

Food for Kids With Braces

When kids have braces, there’s probably a lot of focus on the foods they CAN’T eat, such as sticky candy, hard fruits, popcorn and chewing gum. But it doesn’t all have to be bad news. Distract your little one from craving the foods he or she can’t have with some delicious braces-friendly foods that are good for the rest of their bodies as well.

4 mins read

Buying Gluten Free Food

A gluten-free diet often relieves the symptoms of celiac disease, but getting into a rhythm with gluten-free grocery shopping might take some time. Knowing what to look for at the supermarket makes it easier to avoid foods that contain gluten. The variety of special gluten-free products also helps you find options that work with gluten-free dietary restrictions.

2 mins read

Super Foods for Kids

While you can use nearly any food to fill your kid’s belly, some foods provide greater nutritional value than others, and as a result are commonly referred to as “super foods.” By filling your child’s mealtime plate with there offerings, you can likely increase his overall health and ensure that he has all the nutrients he needs to grow big and strong.