2 mins read

Healthy Foods That Boost Your Metabolism

Many weight-conscious mamas dream about the day when a magic pill is invented that cures all their food-related woes. While there is no such antidote to over-eating, and it doesn’t appear as if one is on the horizon, there are an array of foods that could be helpful in boosting metabolism. Sprinkle these healthful foods into your diet as a way to ramp up the rate of your food burning and increase the effectiveness of your weight-loss efforts.

3 mins read

10 Ways to Speed Up Metabolism Naturally

A slow metabolism often results in weight gain, fatigue and slow digestion. Increasing metabolic rates aids in weight loss and provides higher overall energy levels. However, fad diets and miracle foods used to boost metabolism are pure lies, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. No single miracle cure is available to speed up metabolism naturally. Adding several healthy habits to your lifestyle offers the greatest and longest-lasting results.

3 mins read

Are you one HOT Mama? Keeping it Cool During Pregnancy!

When the heat is on during the hottest days of summer, you may feel like you are going to spontaneously combust at any moment. Dont worry, that hardly ever happens 🙂 During pregnancy your body is hard at work. Your metabolism is kicked into high gear, and so you are more likely to feel the effects of summer heat. The reality is that you are more likely to perspire heavily, as your body tries to keep you and your baby cool.