2 mins read

George Kotsiopoulos Talks Fashion and Laundry

George Kotsiopoulos from E! Fashion Police took a few minutes out of his busy schedule to give us some fashion and laundry tips for the ModernMom! Tell me something I don’t know about doing laundry. You can actually wash most of the stuff you think you can’t. And did you know that fabric softener reduces wrinkles and…

11 mins read

The Last Thing You Want To Hear At 1 AM

Your house alarm system is triggered in the middle of the night, you’re home alone with your kids. Quick. What do you do? 321go.The answer, probably, is that it depends. There is a decision process that happens in a matter of seconds and there some things worth considering, should you find yourself in this situation, as I did last week.As a little background: I took a course (NLS) to …

11 mins read

May Astrology

Our galactic vessel has landed on the rocky shores of May 2013, and its strange territory indeed. Oh you may ask, what happened to those nice Druid Beltane and May Day festivals? This fracas of Saturn and Mars will start off the early days of this month with a clash of symbols, i.e. the impulsive son, whose restrictive and disciplinarian dad is taking him to task.