Search Results for: popularity
The Best Credit Cards for Teens: Smart Financial Start
Which Credit Card Should Your Teen Get? Just when you thought you were finally getting over the college applications, you now have to think about sending your kid to college and hoping they will make smart decisions - and that includes the money part too. Let’s face it, financial literacy is an essential skill for…
Unlock Your College Dreams: Top Scholarship Resources for High School Students
Let's face it, it's one thing to get into college, and it's a whole other thing to be able to afford it. If you've got an eye on higher education, you've probably discovered how expensive it can be. As high school students prepare for the next chapter in their educational journey, the soaring costs of…
What to Do with Your Halloween Pumpkin After the the Holidays
Halloween is a googly fun time for ghouls, goblins, and, of course, bright orange pumpkins! With costumes and candy coming to a close, you might be wondering what to do with your once-spooky jack-o'-lanterns now that the Halloween celebrations are over. Fear not! We're here for you as we explore super fun, creative, and sustainable…
The Health Benefits of Drinking Kombucha
Kombucha is a drink with an age-old recipe originating in the far east. The Chinese referred to it as the "Immortal Health Elixir." In recent years, Kombucha has become popular with the health conscious looking for an alternative to fizzy drinks packed with artificial sweeteners and red dye whatever! At first glance, you might just…
What Every Parent Needs to Understand About Marijuana and the Adolescent Brain
“Which is worse for you, alcohol or pot?” With the increasing trend toward legalizing marijuana, this is a question that is foremost in the minds of a lot of teens right now, and it is critical that parents and educators understand a few important things before they try to respond. Most responses miss the real…