5 mins read

Pregnancy and Your Skin

For about 15 + years I have religiously been going to see Dayle Breault, the famous Goddess of Skin for my facials. (I say facials, but its so much more then just that.) Her treatments are a whole facial experience like nothing you have ever had before!!!

9 mins read

Secrets for Easing Labor Pain

Studies have, for a long time, shown that deep breathing, mental imagery, deep massage or acupressure, and the presence of a constant companion or coach during labor can ease labor pains, making the miracle of birth more, well, enjoyable.

3 mins read

Aromatherapy for Labor and Birth Space

As a Birth doula with a background in healing, one of the healing modalities I use to better support my clients during labor is aromatherapy. Not only can it change the whole energy of the birth space but it also does so much to support the laboring mama. Here are a few of my go-to…