5 mins read

Empathy or Sympathy From Kids with Autism

I discussed the word, “appropriate” in my IEP blogs. This time I’m using that word differently. I’m discussing it as it relates to something our kids struggle with – empathy and sympathy. Empathy and sympathy are difficult for our kids to learn. It’s not that they don’t care, it’s just that they’re autism-related diagnosis interferes with their “natural” ability to understand these concepts. Empathy and sympathy are simply tough for them to understand.

2 mins read


Known by the official taxonomy name of Stevia Rebaudiana, stevia is a herb in the chrysanthemum and daisy family that grows naturally as a small shrub in parts of South America. The green leaves of this plant contain large amounts of steviosides which account for its incredible sweetness. What is Stevia used for and why is it so good for us ?