1 min read

Malibu Raw Salad

A mouth-watering salad inspired by the beautiful beaches of Malibu, California. Ingredients 1/4 cup carrots 1/4 cup string beans 1/4 cup radish 1/4 cup black beans 1 tbsp red onion Mixed greens Salsa Grilled chicken (optional) Jicama (optional) Directions Lay a bed of mixed greens on a large plate.

3 mins read

How To Teach Kids About Going Green

Teach your children to care for the environment by going green at home. You can show your children how to be green and protect the Earth without being preachy. Make simple changes in your lifestyle and explain why you are making those changes so that your children understand why going green is important. You can even turn going green into a game while instilling good, eco-friendly habits in your children.

2 mins read

Green Breakfast Smoothie

You know that euphoric feeling you get on those mornings when the kids get up on time and happily finish their breakfast without a complaint--and it's a breakfast that you feel good about giving them?  Every time we serve this smoothie we seem to have one of those mornings! The greatest thing is that this smoothie…

1 min read

Get Healthy With This Green Smoothie Recipe!

Green smoothies are so popular and for good reason- youre one glass away from feeling great and getting a healthy boost of vitamins and micro-nutrients! It is not always easy to find time to sit down and eat a whole bunch of greens every day, but making a green smoothie is a quick way to get a wholesome dose of nutrition. Trust me; your body will thank you.