3 mins read

How to Remove Facial Hair by Threading

Just when you thought there was no other way to remove your unwanted facial hair, another technique comes along. But what may sound new to you, is actually an ancient process that requires no messy waxes, metal blades, electricity or lasers. Native to the Middle East, threading or “khite” removes hair with nothing more than two thin strands of cotton. Once you get the hang of it, you will wonder why you have never tried it before. Better yet, just think of all the money you will save on trips to the salon.

3 mins read

Hair Removal Techniques

Hair grows almost anywhere on the surface of the body or skin. There are certain locations on a human’s body that you would not want a prolific growth of hair, especially if you are a woman. The eyebrows, upper lips, armpits, legs and bikini areas are just some of the areas where you either would want to reduce or remove hair growth. There are many ways to remove unsightly hair; some are temporary and some may be permanent.

4 mins read

A New Way to Discipline Your Kids: The Baseball Approach

At the end of the day, some moms count up all the times theyve had to nag or remind or discipline their children. Dont hit your brother. Stop picking your nose. Stop talking back. Dont fart at the table. Wash your hands. Pull your pants up. Dont disobey. Listen the first time. Say hi to the lady and look her in the face. Dont use the toilet lid as your own basketball hoop backboard. Dont, dont, dont, stop, stop, stop.