3 mins read

Sex During Late Pregnancy

While sex is the last thing on the mind of many women going through the last months of pregnancy, being intimate with your spouse during this time is often absolutely fine. Though many women shy away from activities of this nature as their pregnancies wear on, there is rarely a medical reason to do so. If you are considering intimacy with your spouse at your advanced pregnancy stage, consider some of the pregnancy-related factors that may come into play and explore how these factors may impact your love life.

8 mins read

10 Tips To Keep Children Safe from Sexual Abuse

Keeping your children safe from child predators sounds like a scary proposition, but it doesnt have to be. We used to teach children about stranger danger, but studies have shown that most sexual abuse occurs at the hands of someone known to the child. He might seem like the friendliest teacher, neighbor, uncle or coach. Unfortunately, this person, who is always showing an interest in your child and working to develop trust, can sometimes be a child predator. It is difficult for adults to recognize these people for who they really are, and of course, it is even more difficult for children. Just as we teach children about the dangers associated with crossing the street or going near a hot oven, we must talk to them about recognizing and avoiding threatening encounters with child predators. I have a short list of “tips” that have helped me talk to my children about safety. Here are some suggestions:

3 mins read

Cravings & the Sex of the Baby

Long before ultrasounds were common, moms wanted to know whether they were carrying a boy or a girl. During the many months of waiting to find out, they created many myths that they hoped gave clues as to the sex of their baby. One such old wives’ tale involves what mom craves during pregnancy. And it works the same as it did in past generations to give moms who don’t know the sex a fun activity to try to guess the sex. Just don’t rely on it to as a reliable gender prediction.

1 min read

How to Increase Your Sex Drive During Pregnancy

Your sex drive is apt to experience a number of highs and lows during the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, according to the Kids Health website. Plenty of myths abound that can cause any expecting moms libido to plummet, such as that sex is potentially dangerous for an unborn baby. Unless your doctor has told you specifically that you are at a heightened risk of miscarriage, you can enjoy sex while expecting. Keeping a confident attitude about your changing body and making a few changes are essential toward naturally increasing your sex drive.