1 min read

Korean BBQ Marinade Recipe

Korean barbecue marinade, also known as bulgogi or bulgoki, is a sweet and salty marinade that you can use on a variety of meats and vegetables. Soak your family’s favorite proteins or hearty veggies in the sauce, and cook it up for a Korean-inspired meal. Serve with rice. Don’t forget to reserve some sauce before you marinate your meat. You can pour the sauce over the cooked meat, veggies and rice.

2 mins read

How Much Weight Should You Gain During Pregnancy?

Get excited about eating for two for the next nine months. Although your second consumer is small, he needs for you to gain weight. No dieting for you for these 40 weeks. Watch how much weight you gain so as not to become unhealthy or overweight. Consult with your doctor about your weight and what you should be eating.

2 mins read

Support for an Ectopic Pregnancy

The loss of a baby due to an ectopic pregnancy can be painful. An ectopic pregnancy is one in which the fetus develops outside of the uterus, generally in the fallopian tubes. A baby is not able to develop there, therefore the pregnancy is terminated or other medical intervention is necessary. While every woman who experiences an ectopic pregnancy handles loss differently, many experience similar feelings of sadness and may find comfort in the support of others.

2 mins read

How to Treat the Flu While Pregnant

Pregnancy can be uncomfortable enough, but add flu symptoms and it can become downright miserable. The combination can also be dangerous, as your immune system is already compromised during your pregnancy. Working with your doctor to determine the safest medication and monitoring your body are your best defenses during your illness. Get help from your partner, a friend or family member during your illness if necessary so you can recover as quickly as possible, for your sake and your baby’s.

2 mins read

Colors to Wear With Blond Hair

If you are blonde, or if you are considering going blond, you should choose complementary colors for the rest of your look. From your shoes to your hair accessories, from makeup to clothes, your coordinating colors should go well with your skin tone and flatter your hair. When your entire outfit complements your hair, skin and eyes, you will have a finished, polished look that will always be in style.