1 min read

How to Dry Your Nails Fast

Little is more frustrating thing than paying someone to paint your nails, only to smudge them a few minutes after leaving the salon. Even if you paint your own nails, having to redo a smudged one can be a major inconvenience. Fortunately, you can speed up the nail drying process. And the faster your nails dry, the less likely you are to smudge them.

1 min read

How to Use a Digital Thermometer on a Toddler

Taking your toddler’s temperature can help you assess how sick he really is, but getting an accurate temperature on a sick toddler can be a challenging task. Chances are, when your toddler is sick he is going to resist poking and prodding. Trying to hold the thermometer in place while your toddler is wiggling about and crying is no fun. Fortunately, mercury thermometers have been replaced with digital thermometers that allow you to take even the squirmiest toddler’s temperature quickly and safely.

1 min read

How Can I Help My Child Lose Weight?

You have to lose weight because you want to, not because someone else wants you to lose weight. The first step in helping your child to lose weight is to help him want to lose weight. Being positive, making lifestyle changes as a family and setting a goal to be healthy, rather than slim, are ways you can help cultivate a desire in your child to lose weight.

2 mins read

How to Stop My Child From Biting

Little is more embarrassing for a parent then when your child bites another child. While your young baby may bite you, or anyone or anything within his reach as a means of exploring and discovering his world or to minimize teething pain, toddlers and preschoolers who bite often do so out of frustration and anger. While biting is not uncommon among children, after 18 months of age, it can become a serious problem if your child continues to bite. Fortunately, with your help, your child can stop biting.

2 mins read

How To Clean Kids’ Ear Wax

It can be tempting to use a cotton swab to remove the wax from your child’s ears, but don’t. Doing so can cause damage to your child’s ear canal or ear drum and push the ear wax into the ear even farther, which could result in a painful ear infection. If you are eager to clear your child’s ear from wax, you can request an appointment with an ear, nose and throat specialist who can manually extract it or you can flush your child’s ear out at home.