6 mins read

What Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up?

That was the question I asked 25 Grade 2 students this morning. And I got a gamut of answers, A businessman, a lawyer, a nurse, a doctor, a spy like my mom (hmmm okay), an opera singer (yes I laughed too), a celebrity (what career is that exactly?), a baseball player, a hockey player, go into my daddys business, a JUGGLER. OK great answers! Yes, I just left my sons school for Parents …

5 mins read

When Mommy’s A Mess, So Is Everyone Else!

Do you ever feel, as the centrifugal force of the house, that mommys mood sets the tone for the the whole family? Chances are there are constantly multiple things going on at oncedifferent opinions, different ideas and different hormones levels! And chances are again, these many factors vary throughout your week. For example, sometimes my household is happy, and were grooving to Kool & The Gang and (shhhh) Justin Bieber in the kitchen, and other times mommys ranting about unfinished homework, laziness about helping out, too much Wii and TV, or disrespectful words. Sometimes were laughing, sometimes were tense. But one thing I know for sure — when Im on edge, EVERYONE IS ON EDGE.

9 mins read

When Mommy’s a Mess

Do you ever feel, that as the centrifugal force of the house, that mommys mood sets the tone for the the whole family? This Blog post came to me a couple of weeks ago, when my girlfriend said, Can you Blog about how when we are not good, the rest of our family never feels good? And how we can pull ourselves out of these slumps? So really, what happens if moms not happy?