Behavioral Problems With Kindergarten Children
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Behavioral Problems With Kindergarten Children

While some students immediately thrive in the structured, education-rich environment of a kindergarten classroom, others struggle to conform to the behavioral requirements of school. If your child exhibits behavioral problems upon entering kindergarten, he is far from the only one. Many children find this transition to formal education challenging and, as a result, act out in their kindergarten classrooms.

Rigors of Regimentation

Although you may try to maintain a regular schedule at home, you likely do not have an environment that is quite as regimented as the one your child will face in kindergarten. This suddenly strict schedule proves challenging to many kindergarteners. It can be difficult for these students to become accustomed to the fact that their desires have little impact on what they do throughout the day, leading them to act out or refuse to follow directions, particularly when those directions ask them to stop playing and engage in quiet learning activities.

Reduced One-on-One Time

If your child is used to having your undivided attention, sharing the attention of his kindergarten teacher with a room full of other students may prove challenging. Your child may engage in misbehavior, because doing so gets him some of the attention he desires. If you notice that your kindergartener’s behavior leaves something to be desired, and you feel that this behavior is a result of the fact that he is no longer king of the castle, you may want to give him a bit more attention at home and discuss the fact that his teacher has to divide her time between students.


While the lessons of kindergarten seem simple to grown individuals, they commonly prove challenging to children who have to start from scratch. As FamilyEducation reports, learning these lessons leads to frustration in some kindergarten students. These students may respond by acting out. If your child struggles to learn his lessons, sit down with him at home and work one-on-one with him. This will make him less likely to misbehave in class.

Importance of Kindergarten Behavior

Many parents worry that misbehavior in kindergarten could lead to academic woes later in life. While this thought is logical, it proves untrue, reports “The New York Times.” Children who have behavioral problems during kindergarten do not suffer a poor academic fate. Eventually, they catch up with their peers.

Turning the Tide

Some parents are openly embarrassed by their kindergartener’s behavioral issues. Doing this will only hurt your struggling kindergartener more. If your student seems to misbehave in his kindergarten class on a regular basis, be proactive. Speak with his teacher about his behavior and ask her what you can do to help. Not only will you likely gain useful information by doing this, you will also show your child’s teacher that you are a concerned parent who is interested in your child’s education.

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