Let’s Craft: How To Make A Cupcake Stand
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Let’s Craft: How To Make A Cupcake Stand

This week’s guest craft bloggers are Mandy Sybrowsky and Jessica Myrup from Little Birdie Secrets.

Check out their great tutorial on how to make a cupcake stand:

“Part of being a modern mom is finding time to do something you love, and for me that’s crafting. At LittleBirdieSecrets.com, we share ways to be creative that will bring beauty and fun to your life.

I love these antique cupcake stands because they make special days a little more festive for my family. These are perfect to honor the birthday girl or boy, for a tea party with the girls, or even for something more elaborate like a wedding.”

And you won’t believe how quick and easy they are to make!


  • Small saucers or plates (I found mine at an antique store for a few dollars each, but try thrift stores or clearance aisles at home stores as well – mismatched is best!)
  • Candlesticks at various heights (again thrift store and antique shops are a great place to find these)
  • Strong adhesive (I like E6000–available at craft stores and WalMart)


1. Thoroughly clean your plates and candlesticks. Then apply a ring of E600 or other strong glue to the top end of one candlestick.

2. Turn your saucer upside down on a flat surface. Press the glue-covered rim of the candlestick to the center of the back of the plate and hold for a few seconds.

3. Set aside to dry, about 24 hours. Repeat with other plates and candlesticks. That’s it!

Add cupcakes and you’ve got a darling centerpiece for any occasion! I cut custom cupcake wrappers on my Silhouette machine, but you can also find these in the cake decorating aisle at craft or baking stores.

Mandy Sybrowsky and Jessica Myrup are the crafters behind the Little Birdie Secrets blog. From quilting to card making to baking, they love sharing tips, tricks, and tutorials to make crafting fun and easy. Visit them at www.littlebirdiesecrets.com and find them on Facebook – Little Birdie Secrets


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