8 mins read

10 Ways To Help Your Child Become A Better Writer

If your kids are like mine, they don’t take well to their parents giving them advice on much of anything — academics, athletics, you name it. In many ways, I am thankful for this. My kids are independent and have learned to do their homework on their own.But I had to step in recently to help my middle-schooler with a term paper that needed a lot of help. I started with my red pen …

2 mins read

Back To School Goals for Mom

That time of year has hit again and while we’re busy getting kids organized for back to school, I’m reminding myself of some goals that will help all of us survive the season (and the year!) in a happy and successful way. Family Calendar Get it organized early. Make sure all information for every family…

3 mins read

When The Bully Is Family

Your family is supposed to be your safe haven, and where you go for support and protection. Unfortunately,  that isn’t always the case.  What do you do when the bully is family? Whenever families gather together, especially during holidays, there can be a lot of stress involved when there is that “one person” who bullies…

1 min read

How To Make Natural All-Purpose Cleaner

Happy Spring! We’re finally getting some sunshine this week, and it’s making me want to clean house- mind, body and home. I’m trying to eat cleaner and get rid of some addictive foods and beverages. It’s herbal tea for me this week. I think the sun is helping balance the moodiness of zero caffeine. This…