1 min read

Let’s Craft: Family Hand Print Gift for Mom

Let’s Craftis a special feature full of great crafts, inspiration and DIY projects that are perfect for any Modern Mom! This project comes from crafty mom Jessie Jane, founder of Lilyshop: “Today we’re making a really sweet Mother’s Day gift.

5 mins read

How to Create a Stunning Photo or Artwork Wall

The gallery wall is one of the most creative and fun home design elements of 2016 that’s carried into 2017. Basically, this design feature is an aesthetically pleasing assembly of photos and artwork that takes up a large portion of your wall, usually in a hallway or in the main living area. It’s a great…

1 min read

Let’s Craft: Mini Terrariums

Let’s Craftis a special feature full of great crafts, inspiration and DIY projects that are perfect for any Modern Mom! This project comes from crafty mom Ianthe Morrow – “Today I’m going to teach you how make little terrariums that will remind you of the beach or whatever makes you happy.” Here’s how to make mini terrariums: Supplies

1 min read

How to Make Your Own Natural Body Scrub

Let’s Craftis a special feature full of great crafts, inspiration and DIY projects that are perfect for any Modern Mom! This project comes from crafty mom Jill Alexander: “There are plenty of beauty stores where moms can buy exfoliating body scrubs, but we think that homemade is far superior. This delectable smelling body scrub is all natural and made with ingredients that you probably have on hand in the house. There are no chemicals you can’t pronounce in here!