3 mins read

Infants & Pet Allergies

Sometimes, infants and pets just don’t mix. When they do mix, your infant may have an allergic reaction. Any type of pet — dogs, guinea pigs, hamsters, cats — can cause an allergic reaction in an infant or a toddler. It can be difficult to determine whether your infant is having a seasonal allergy or is allergic to your pet. If your baby has symptoms year-round, that usually means an allergy to dust mites, mold or Fido.

3 mins read

Kids & Pets Safety

Pets and children are a natural pair, but there are also safety concerns for both the child and the animal. A bite or attack by a pet is a potentially serious event for a child. A pet might also become injured if a child doesn’t know how to handle it properly. Taking precautions early in the pet-child relationship helps avoid injuries for everyone involved.

3 mins read

Pets for Children With Allergies

Exposing children to animals by giving them pets to care for can aid in developing their nurturing instincts. However, developing pet allergies can hinder the healthy bond between your children and their pets. Fortunately, some pets are suitable for children with pet allergies. Choose the best type of allergen-free animal for your children and allay your pet allergy phobias.

3 mins read

Natural Dog Odor Removers

Dog owners have long battled the problem of lingering pet odors in their home. While you might keep your pooch bathed and groomed, accidents and built-up odors over time still tend to leave behind that telltale dog scent. Help keep your home pet-odor free by using natural products that won’t harm your pet or the environment.

4 mins read

The Best Pet Turtle for a Kid

There comes a time in every mother’s life when she can’t ignore her child’s pleas for a pet any longer. If you are lucky, your son or daughter will not beg for a pony, but will settle for a relatively easy-care pet, such as a fish or turtle. In fact, turtles make terrific pets for children, according to Pet University. Still, there are a number of important things to consider before purchasing a pet turtle for your child.