4 mins read

Reclaim Your Smile: Top Cosmetic Dentistry Options for Busy Moms

As a busy mom, your schedule is packed with endless responsibilities. From shuttling kids to school and extracurricular activities to managing household chores and possibly balancing a career, it's easy to put your personal needs on the back burner. However, your smile is essential to your overall well-being and confidence. Fortunately, several cosmetic dentistry options…

5 mins read

#TikTokMadeMeBuyIt Favorite Viral Products

Welcome to our roundup of the hottest products going viral on TikTok! This week, we're highlighting items that have captured the attention of moms everywhere. These products promise to bring convenience, beauty, and a little bit of joy into your daily routine. Let’s dive in and see why these finds are just too good to…

1 min read

The Truth About Beauty

By Michelle Phillips, Celebrity Makeup Artist For many of us, what is holding us back from feeling beautiful has nothing to do with what’s actually in the mirror, it’s how we feel about ourselves. And how we feel about ourselves can be a product of negative self-talk that we listen to that tells us, “I’m…

6 mins read

The Evolution of This Mom’s Wardrobe

Once upon a time, I was a size 2. Running 6-8 miles a day and the stressful upheaval of life as I had known it caused me to lose 30 pounds in a period of 8-10 months. It was my lowest weight ever but also the strongest I’d ever felt. It was also the best…