2 mins read

Brooke Burke’s Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe

Are you in charge of cooking the turkey this Thanksgiving? If so, you HAVE to try this family recipe for a super delicious, juicy, moist turkey. The secret ingredient is Dry Brine. You need to plan ahead three days, so keep this in mind when prepping. Dry brining involves applying salt to the food and allowing it to rest before cooking, resulting in succulent, flavorful meat and a crowd-pleasing crispy skin.

2 mins read

4 Simple Things To Do To Stay Happy and Healthy At Home

Hi Mamas, I'm lying in bed listening to the rain pour down in Malibu, taking a moment to slow down and put these past weeks in perspective. I'm staying in, Mexican getaway canceled and kids are gearing up for home school for the next few weeks. Staying in seems like a responsible choice right now.…