2 mins read

Healthy Easy Meals for Single Working Women

Just because you are cooking for one while on the run doesn’t mean that your meals have to lack nutritional value. While it may seem that your best option is a quick run through the drive thru, falling into this diet-busting habit will do nothing for your overall health. Instead of giving into fast food temptation, try some of these simple and healthy meals that will fit easily into your on-the-go lifestyle.

3 mins read

Working the Night Shift While Pregnant

Working the night shift can be a challenge for anyone, but it becomes even more difficult when you are pregnant. You are going against the natural rhythm of your body. Unfortunately, some types of jobs require shift work, and you just have to get around it. Take care of your body, and it will take care of your baby.

3 mins read

How Are Children Affected With a Night Shift Working Parent?

While most parents would rather spend their nights and evenings tucking in their children, many parents do not have this option because they are forced to spend these hours at work. If you are both a night shift worker and a parent, consider how this arrangement may impact your children. By being aware of the impact that your work schedule has upon your child, you may be able to reduce any ill effects.

1 min read

Working at Home: Tough Stuff

I’ve been at this mothering thing for over 8 years. Closer to 9 in actual fact. And I’m only just now getting the hang of it I think. I’ve proudly joined the ranks of WAHM (Work At Home Mothers) and it’s given me a whole different perspective on it. Rather than rushing out the door and handing over responsibility for my children to my husband, childcare or a part time nanny I’ve now had to roll my sleeves up and do it.