4 mins read

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

As I hauled our luggage out of the attic last week, I glanced at the boxes labeled Christmas with a black Sharpie. Those three boxes contain my entire collection of Christmas decorations. By most standards, its a meager collectiona couple of mangy stuffed snowmen holding dusty brooms, a few chipped Santa-head mugs, and one artificial tree thats probably infested with mites.

3 mins read

T’was the Night Before Christmas… And I Have No Tools

Ive always tried to create enjoyable childhood memories by integrating all the wonders that the Christmas holidays had to offer, even if it meant Id be up for hours on Christmas Eve trying to assemble toys for my kids. Oh the frustration! After a couple of glasses of wine Id give up. Then Id have another glass of wine. When it came to assembling new toys, I was somewhat challenged. Where the front of the box read “some assembly required”, it should read “some parts will probably be missing and may cause frustration and aggravation.

3 mins read

Modern Christmas Time Traditions: AKA Dr. Seuss’ Genius

Since graduating college and living on my own over the past few years one of my new favorite holiday traditions is to make myself comfortable in front of the television after a long day and watch 25 Days of Christmas on ABC Family with hot chocolate in hand and close friends and family at my side! This is one holiday tradition I cannot wait to get started and quite literally requires little effort to enjoy.

3 mins read

Kids’ Christmas Party Food Ideas

While wishing your guests a merry little Christmas, don’t let the stress of the season get in the way of your good mood – especially when it comes to holiday parties! Instead of running yourself ragged planning an overly elaborate affair, remember that Christmas is a time for friends, family and love. With a little creativity, and some of these helpful tips, you can put together a memorable menu for your kids’ party without a lot of fuss and flurry.