2 mins read

Hummus Stuffed – Ripe Olives for the Holidays

The following post was written by Lori Pace. Holiday party time is ALMOST here, and let’s be honest, who doesn’t want their dish to be the talk of the town? We can decorate every corner of our home and give the best gifts, but often, what most people will remember is the food! I love…

5 mins read

Where Does Halloween Come From?

My very inquisitive six-year-old asked me why people dress up on Halloween. I was stumped. I am usually a reasonably informed mom with a quick story about all the cool things in history that have formed our current day celebrations. But not this time I didnt have any answers!

4 mins read

What to Do with Your Halloween Pumpkin After the the Holidays

Halloween is a googly fun time for ghouls, goblins, and, of course, bright orange pumpkins! With costumes and candy coming to a close, you might be wondering what to do with your once-spooky jack-o'-lanterns now that the Halloween celebrations are over. Fear not! We're here for you as we explore super fun, creative, and sustainable…

6 mins read

2022 – How To Choose The Path You Want To Follow

Happy New Year! Not to be nosy, but how are you feeling about it so far? I hope your answer isn’t “overwhelmed,” “frustrated,” and/or “exhausted.” In case it is, however, I have a bit of been-there-done-that perspective to offer. With my clients, I often hesitate to broach the topic of elevated expectations, lofty resolutions, and…