5 mins read

Navigating Common Breastfeeding Concerns During the Uncertainty of a Pandemic

Breastfeeding can be complicated and difficult enough during “normal” times. However, new mothers’ concerns become magnified during a pandemic when in-person resources, like local breastfeeding classes, are not as available. As a certified lactation consultant, I’m here to help by sharing answers to the most common breastfeeding questions and concerns I receive from clients and…

1 min read

#ModernMomMondays: Episode Two with Ashley Marriott

In this episode, Winnie Sun has a motivating conversation with fitness expert Ashley Marriott who shares actionable tips for creating an affordable home gym, making family fitness fun and prioritizing self care especially during challenging times. https://youtu.be/osKd8aMHkNI

3 mins read

Creating A Motherhood Mantra And Why It Matters

Despite popular belief, creating a mantra is not reserved for earth mamas who meditate for 2 hours every morning. This practice requires no extra time out of your day, making it accessible for busy moms who could use a bit more balance and mindfulness interwoven into their routines. The word “mantra” comes from manas (mind)…

3 mins read

Six Important Acupressure Points for Babies and Children

Children are our life and as parents, we will do anything to prevent them from suffering. There are times when medication is not the answer to alleviating discomfort within our children because of the side effects and reactions that may occur.  As a mom of two little boys, and as a Holistic Medicine Practitioner, I…

4 mins read

How To Stop Peeing When You Sneeze Mama

One of the most common pelvic floor issues among women is urinary incontinence (peeing when you run, jump, sneeze, or cough). I experienced this issue after the delivery of my children and have worked with countless women who had these issues. Ladies, it is a common issue and nothing to be embarrassed about. Many women…