3 mins read

Buy, Baby, Buy: How Did You Decide What To Purchase?

On the heels of my third maternity leave and re-entry to my day job marketing products to moms, I find myself consciously evaluating the new baby brands and products in my own home – the things that have become part of my daily routine (and sanity!). The baby products market is a $6 billion industry so why did I choose these particular items?

2 mins read

Common Nipple Concerns While Breastfeeding

When you’re a new mom, it’s natural to have questions and concerns – especially when it comes to breastfeeding. Here are two of the most common questions I’ve been asked about womens’ areolas while they are nursing: 1. What are those bumps on my areola that look like pimples?

9 mins read

How to Choose the Right Bottle for Your Baby

Picking a baby bottle seems like such an easy buying decision. You go to the store, select a pack of bottles, and go on your merry way. Yeah, maybe back in 1970 before the Internet was invented and expectant moms (and dads!) could spend hours researching which bottle is best for their upcoming arrival.