2 mins read

Talking To Your Kids About Cyberbullying

In light of the recent tragic suicide of Rebecca Sedwick, after being tormented through social media from children ages 12 – 14 and the subsequent arrest of the 14 year old who has allegedly spearheaded the bullying, we at KidSafe Foundation will continue the fight to prevent such tragedies through education of both children and parents.

6 mins read

Battling Girl Bullies

Another bullying suicide hit the news recently: a 12-year-old Florida girl, Rebecca Ann Sedwick, leapt to her death after enduring a year of cyber taunts and threats perpetrated by a group of 15-year-old girls at he

5 mins read

Do Insecure Moms Raise Insecure Children?

With the end of the school year fast approaching, I thought this would be the year that I would make some mom friends. You know: Shuffle our children off after school for play dates, go out to dinner every once in a while, get tipsy laughing over the school principal, maybe go for walks in the mornings… but it didnt happen.