2 mins read

Get Active: Raising Kids that Love to Move!

Raising active kids is a lifestyle, not a routine. As I work with my clients on a daily basis, many of the parents are concerned not only with their own health but the health of their children as well. I am reminded how VERY important it is to lead by example for your children.

5 mins read

The Terrible Twos, Squared

So Ive been in the twins game now for about thirty-two months – thirty-two looong, crazy making, longing for Xanax months. Ive experienced colic – twins with colic is not for the weak of heart, let me assure you. If you are pregnant with twins, Id like to tell you that colic is livable, you will get through it, blah blah blah but I cant. It wouldnt be right to mislead you …

4 mins read

Can I Ever Let My Kids Walk Home On Their Own?

Today, we are so very sad for Leiby Kletzky’s family. By now, most of the country is familiar with this tragedy — the death of 8 year old, Leiby, abducted and murdered in his own Brooklyn, NY community while simply walking to meet his mother, just 7 blocks away from his camp on Monday afternoon. I cannot even imagine the pain Leiby’s parents are feeling.

2 mins read

Mom, I’m an Aimer!

Pee, and the washing thereof, has permanently discolored a portion of our powder-blue hue. It makes me smile every time I see it. Children learn by making mistakes. We, as parents, have to let our children make those mistakes even if we can correct them before they happen.

2 mins read

How to Protect Kids From Online Predators

Though the Internet can be a wonderful tool for learning and staying connected with others, it is also a place where online predators lurk, looking for their next victim. The anonymity of the Internet means that the 13-year-old “friend” that your teen is talking with may not really be 13 at all. It’s up to you to protect your children from online predators. With knowledge about what to avoid, you can keep your kids safe when they play online.