6 mins read

How To Be A Selfish Mother

selfish: Devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one’s own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others. selfless: Having little or no concern for oneself, especially with regard to fame, position, money, etc. Are you a selfless mother or a selfish mother? On a …

4 mins read

How To Keep It Hot with Your Husband

Let’s say you’re in a long-term relationship (either married or living together), and sex with your partner has become as frequent as a Paris Hilton Oscar nomination. What do you do to get the fire burning again? As a dating coach and a man who’s been there himself, I …

6 mins read

Five Ways to Keep Your Man From Straying

Every time a celebrity couple is touched by infidelity – Pink’s hubby tries a different shade, or Ryan Phillippe spoons someone other than Reese – it’s like the rumble of distant thunder over our own relationships. Everywhere you look, you see potential targets for your partner’s straying eyes, hands …

7 mins read

Dating When You’ve Got Kids: 12 Tips for Single Moms

Dating with kids can be challenging. And that?s whether you?re recently divorced or you?ve already endured two years? worth of Starbucks dates, and whether your kids are two or twenty-two. But your children can also be helpful in your quest to hook up, especially if you recognize their wisdom …