4 mins read

Understanding Men in Love

Understanding men is a challenge in and of itself, even though they claim we’re the complicated ones. A man in love is an even more complex being; so complex, in fact, that sometimes he may act like a woman. All those strange things he does make sense, somehow, if we can step back and look at him not as a man, primarily, but as a human in love, subject to emotion, passion, self-doubt, ecstasy and sappy poetry.

5 mins read

A Letter To Toya Graham

Dear Toya Graham, Thank you. Thank you for taking responsibility as a mother, and loving your son enough to drag him away from the chaos that was erupting on the streets of Baltimore. Thank you for being honest in your parenting and making a scene, that in my opinion, was worth the time on air…

5 mins read

The Gift of Life

It has been five years since I received my beautiful gift of life. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined, that I would have met so many incredible moms on my journey of giving back and building a non-profit, Ava’s Heart. It fills my heart to share with you the stories of two very…

3 mins read

Top Ten Ways to Feel Sexy As a Mom of Small Kids

Most moms of small children feel as asexual as a paramecium.  Strangely, this does not prevent their husbands from wanting sex. As a couples therapist, I want your marital sex life to grow as wild and uncontrollable as the mint plants that are now taking over my entire yard.  Also I want it to be equally leafy and fragrant.…

3 mins read

Sex Enhancement Tips

Good sex is extremely important for all couples. Though your libido may ebb and flow over the years, you should aim to make sex a priority, because the physical intimacy can make you feel mentally and emotionally closer as well. Most people have to work at having a good sexual relationship, so don’t feel badly if your sex life isn’t exactly what you want.