3 mins read

Advice on Love & Engagement

For many women, engagement–and, ultimately, marriage–is the goal of their relationship efforts. Getting engaged is an exciting proposition for many women who desperately want to find the man that they want to spend the rest of their lives with and to enter their white-picket-fence-happily-ever-after world as soon as possible. If you are on the brink of engagement, you might have some potentially troublesome issues on your mind.

3 mins read

Love Life Questions

Love is a complicated emotion, and relationships, which involve two individuals both navigating this emotion, are even more complex. Many women worry about their love lives and hope that they will get that happy ending they see at the end of their favorite romantic films. While nothing can ensure that you reach the romantic utopia that you want, it can be helpful to know that you are not in it alone. According to a 2007 article in the “New York Times,” 51 percent of all American women are spouseless. So as you suffer through your tumultuous love life and try to land a man, keep in mind that you are in the majority.

3 mins read

How to Tell If He Is Lying to You by His Hand Movements?

While some men are–thankfully–not skilled in the art of lying, others lie so adeptly that it can be next to impossible to distinguish an untruth. If you question the validity of your man’s statements, but feel powerless to determine whether he is lying, the answer could be as close as his hands. Experts in the field insist that many liars manifest their lying behavior in hand movements. In an MSNBC report, the hand movements indicative of a lie were compared to the old Japanese saying, “Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.” By considering the senses discussed in this common phrase and watching your guy’s hands the next time he spins a yarn, you may just be able to put your uncertainty to rest.

3 mins read

Why It’s So Difficult for a Man to Apologize

It’s true, many men don’t know how to say I’m sorry and many people wonder why it is difficult for most men to do so. Unfortunately, it has become common in our society for men not to apologize. As kids, most men learned from their elders to say “excuse me,” “please,” “thank you” and “I am sorry.” But as men grow older, the latter becomes more difficult to utter, especially with the opposite sex. It’s kind of annoying…

4 mins read

Transitioning Through Divorce

Transitions are inherently challenging. We go through so many in the human lifespan that we often dont stop to acknowledge that theyre happening. Whether its marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, menopause, or death, how we traverse these changes will not only determine how well come out the other side, but how well well manage the inevitable next challenge life throws our way.