3 mins read

Horoscopes & Love Compatibility

Scorpios have a temper, Libras are flirtatious and Leos like themselves a little too much–or so writes Joanna Martine Woolfolk in “The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need.” Understanding your partner’s–or potential partner’s–astrological chart can provide insights into why you always argue about money or how to avoid awakening his jealousy.

3 mins read

The Best Love Match for Aquarius Male

Don’t let the Water Bearer fool you–he may be carrying water, but his affinity is with Air–the element of intellectual curiosity and clarity. Intellectual stimulation always comes before physical stimulation, but once you pique his mind, his body often follows. In love, Aquarius is inventive, generous and tolerant. Being in a relationship with an Aquarian male, writes Joanna Woolfolk in “The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need,” is like living in a carnival–there’s always another new, exciting ride.

2 mins read

The Best Love Match for an Aries

Headstrong and bold, Aries turns seduction into an art form. Playing hard to get will definitely attract an Aries, but you may have to keep playing the game to keep a Ram’s interest, warns Jenni Kosarin in “The Everything Astrology Book: Follow the Stars to Find Love, Success and Happiness.” Aries lovers tend to have a wandering eye, but one astrological sign has enough natural sparkle to keep a Ram’s attention for the long term.

2 mins read

The Best Love Match for Scorpios

Intense, obsessive, loyal, determined and passionate–those are the words that Monte Farber and Amy Zerner choose to describe people born under the sign of Scorpio in their book, “Astrology Gems: Scorpio.” The Scorpio tendency to hide deep feelings behind a wall of mystery attracts people from many astrological signs, but only a few can slip around that wall to earn the key to Scorpio’s love–his trust.