6 mins read

How To Be A Selfish Mother

selfish: Devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one’s own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others. selfless: Having little or no concern for oneself, especially with regard to fame, position, money, etc. Are you a selfless mother or a selfish mother? On a …

4 mins read

How To Keep It Hot with Your Husband

Let’s say you’re in a long-term relationship (either married or living together), and sex with your partner has become as frequent as a Paris Hilton Oscar nomination. What do you do to get the fire burning again? As a dating coach and a man who’s been there himself, I …

6 mins read

Five Ways to Keep Your Man From Straying

Every time a celebrity couple is touched by infidelity – Pink’s hubby tries a different shade, or Ryan Phillippe spoons someone other than Reese – it’s like the rumble of distant thunder over our own relationships. Everywhere you look, you see potential targets for your partner’s straying eyes, hands …