5 mins read

Brooke Burke: Things We Take for Granted

If distance truly makes the heart grow fonder, I am in for the love affair of a lifetime. David has been gone in Africa for the past 5 weeks. Hes doing a French reality show and it was an offer he couldnt refuse. I have been discrete about him being gone for obvious safety reasons. But now that I am on my way to Africa with the kids to join him, I have to share Soon the world will know and our reunion will be televised, so there goes my privacy…! By the way, my South African trip is 35 hrs. What possessed me to take the trip, is coming soon.

3 mins read

Aphrodisiac Foods

An aphrodisiac is any indigestible item that arouses sexual desire. While rhino horn and Spanish Fly once fell into this category, science hints that many common foods may be a better way to go. Several foods are not only sensual; they are also capable of causing physiological changes within the body that will help you to become a real tiger in the bedroom.

2 mins read

Foods That Increase Your Sex Drive

Since the time of the ancient Greeks people have believed that certain foods possess a unique quality to induce arousal. While most traditional aphrodisiacs are stimulating in appearance alone, it turns out that many foods have chemical properties that increase your sex drive. While some of these foods elevate the romantic mood for the night, others are capable of offering a long-term sexual boost.