6 mins read

Keepin' Your Mojo

I just read a shocking stat about how many couples cheat and how many are not having the sex they want. 50 – 60% of married couples will commit adultery SAD! But thats not what motivated me to write this blog. Im writing it because over lunch with my girlfriends the subject of how to get the sex youre not getting came up. the table could relate, while the other half was wishing their husbands would take an out of town gig.

1 min read

I manage to get everyone else together and organized but do not have any time for me. What advice d

If you find taking me time to be a difficult, or even impossible, task, its important to ask yourself why. Do you feel guilty or believe its selfish? Many women we have spoken with fear that theyre self-absorbed or letting others down if they switch off and take me time. In fact, taking care of yourself is neither selfish nor will it negatively impact your work. When you take care of yourself …

7 mins read

Divorce Part II

Im totally wiped out from Web 2.0. Im in my hotel room in San Francisco, alone for a change. I just finished speaking to 1000 techies about my passion for the Internet and social media, and why it is relevant to my life. I wouldnt really know what to do with myself being manless and kidless, but since I promised Part II of My Take On Divorce would be published Thursday, here goes.

8 mins read

Dealing with Depression

Depression is an epidemic that is affecting countless people who don’t even realize that they are suffering from it. If they do realize they are suffering from it, they generally don’t want to seek help as they feel it’s a social no-no, and others will think less of them for it. Or, they simply don’t know where to turn. Allow me to share my battle with depression and hope that it helps even one person in the process.

5 mins read

Changing a Lane Could Change a Life; Proceed with Caution

A usual trip to my daughters karate dojo last night. We’re on the highway, all is well. I see something move out of the corner of my eye and I realize it’s the car in the lane to the left of me now coming into my lane. The front of her vehicle is no more than two feet ahead of mine and it comes to my attention that I’m going to have to react fast. This wasn’t going to be one of those, “I’m getting over, oops I just saw your car, and better get back into my lane” ordeals.