4 mins read


I would have bet my life that I would be married one time and forever. I never imagined that I would be not married, as I am today, with four kids, and happy as one can possibly be. My life feels as though it has worked out as it should have, but the road I took to get here was not planned.

2 mins read

Well here we go…

There are few things I like more than social networking with other mom’s from around the world. We have an unspoken understanding about how complex, yet rewarding being a mom actually is. I always had this sappy little dream of what I wanted to be when I ‘grew up’ and it went a little like this: House with a white picket fence, dog & kids playing in the yard, mom stays home with the kids while dad works. Yes, I’m abit old-fashioned. Yes, I love the ‘old-school’, 50’s style, nuclear family ideals. Albeit, what I ended up with is much more modern…

1 min read

I slept for 18 hours…

I slept for 18 hrs this weekend, I feel like a new woman! I totally hit my wall on Friday night, exhausted from a long stressful week.I went to an amazing event on Friday night but I fell asleep during it! I was so embarrassed and also feeling like David and I are way too young to be this tired. Reality is that we never get a full night sleep and the consecutive days are killing us! In desperation I came home and took a big dose of sleeping pills and literally knocked myself out for 10 hrs!