Cavities in kids nowadays are prevalent and seen in more than half of the kids. To a dentist’s surprise, the parents think it is okay, as the milk teeth will fall off anyway. But that is not the case. Getting a cavity filled in a kid’s milk tooth is as important as getting a cavity filled in a permanent tooth.
A Toothache is one of the most severe pains anyone can experience. Imagine your child having a toothache. He or she would be in unbearable pain and the only reason would be because you thought it was not important to get the cavity filled. So, here are 10 tips that will help you prevent cavities in kids.
But always remember, even if your child doesn’t have any cavities, you should take your child for a complete dental check-up twice every year, and a child’s first dental visit is mandatory by the child’s first birthday, or within 6 months of the eruption of the first tooth, whichever is earlier.
Tip 1 To Prevent Cavities in Kids
Brush Your Child’s Teeth Twice Daily
Brushing is one of the most important steps in keeping your child cavity-free. Brush your child’s teeth twice daily.
Use a:
– Grain size of kid’s age-appropriate fluoridated toothpaste if the child is below the age of 3 years.
– Pea size of kid’s age-appropriate fluoridated toothpaste if the child is above the age of 3 years.
Make sure you brush your child’s teeth at least till the age of 6 years. After the age of 6 years supervise the child while brushing. Start brushing your child’s teeth once the tooth erupts in the child’s mouth.
Tip 2 To Prevent Cavities in Kids
Always use an age-appropriate fluoridated toothpaste for your child
An age-appropriate fluoridated toothpaste will protect your child’s teeth from cavities. Fluoride is an essential part of toothpaste if you want cavity-free teeth. A toothpaste without fluoride will only clean the teeth but will not prevent cavities. So, as recommended by APA use a grain size of kids fluoridated toothpaste for children younger than 3 years and a pea size for children above the age of 3 years.
Tip 3 to Prevent Cavities in Kids
Floss regularly if your child’s teeth have tight contacts
Mostly there is spacing in children’s teeth. However, some children have tight contact between their teeth. In such cases the brush will not reach the interdental area and the child can start getting cavities. To prevent this you need to start flossing your child’s teeth. This will help in two ways:
- Your child will stay cavity-free
- The child will get into the habit of flossing early
Tip 4 to Prevent Cavities in Kids
Avoid Sticky Food
Sticky food is one of the main culprits of cavities. Nowadays kids have access to all kinds of junk. This junk is low in nutrition as well as harmful to our teeth. The 3 most damaging sticky foods, which kids love to eat are:
- Lollipops or sticky chocolate candies
- Biscuits or cookies
- Chips
All three form a layer over the tooth surface which is cavity-causing and dangerous for our teeth. But kids love them. So, what can be done?
- Do not introduce these at an early age. Try giving only healthy snacks to your child and try not to give your child exposure to packed food.
- Make the child brush after he or she eats any kind of sticky or junk food.
- Give the child water to drink immediately after sticky food if brushing is not possible.
- Let the child eat only once a day. Do not let the child snack again and again.

Tip 5 to Prevent Cavities in Kids
Avoid Packed Juices and Aerated Drinks
Packed juices are full of sugar and not good for the child’s overall health as well as oral health. Fresh juices are the best alternatives to packed juices. The same goes for aerated drinks. They erode the surface of the enamel and cause the tooth to be more prone to cavities. Avoid giving aerated drinks too often to your child.

Tip 6 to Prevent Cavities in Kids
Do Not Give Your Child Milk Before Going To Bed
Never give your child milk before going to bed at night. Milk forms a layer over the surface of the tooth which is the main source of cavities in children. Cavities caused due to milk are called Nursing Bottle Caries.
These are the Early Childhood Caries. These mainly affect the upper front teeth as the milk is in direct contact with it. the lower front teeth are saved by the tongue and the saliva to some extent.
The teeth slowly start decaying and chipping off. The teeth will turn brown and the child might experience pain in them, especially while chewing. So, the best is to prevent giving milk to the child before going to bed.
Tip 7 to Prevent Cavities in Kids
Drink Plenty of Water
Water is a good source to prevent cavities. So, make your child sip on water after every few minutes. Do not over-hydrate. Every time your child eats something sticky, give your child water to drink. Make it a habit. My daughter drinks water as soon as she eats a chocolate as she has been taught that since she was a toddler (she loves chocolates but she knows she can have just one every day).
Tips 8 to Prevent Cavities in Kids
Do not Blow on Your child’s Food
Children are not born with the bacteria that causes cavities. It gets transferred from our mouth to there’s. E.g. when we blow on their food or kiss them on the lips, or share the same spoon with them, it gets transferred.
So, unknowingly we are transferring the bacteria from our mouth to their mouth.
Tip 9 to Prevent Cavities in Kids
Visit a Dentist Once Every 6 Months
Visiting a dentist once every 6 months is a must, not just for your child but even for you. In case there is any cavity it can be caught early and simple filling or sealant application can be done. If you do not visit every 6 months and the cavity gets deep, your child will have to go through a painful procedure of either a root canal or extraction of the tooth.
The first dental visit of the child should be done by the child’s first birthday or within 6 months of the eruption of the first tooth, whichever is earlier.

Tip 10 to Prevent Cavities in Kids
Ask Your Dentist About Dental Sealants
Dental sealants are preventive measures for cavities. The molars i.e. the chewing surface of the back teeth have grooves on them, which can harbour bacteria and therefore become carious. If a sealant is applied it will protect your teeth from harmful bacteria and therefore prevent cavities.
Dental caries is one of the most common preventable diseases in children. If the parents follow all these tips, you can save your child from cavities and the painful experience of dental treatment.