Morning Sickness Remedies for Moms-To-Be
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Morning Sickness Remedies for Moms-To-Be

Morning sickness normally starts around the first 4 weeks of pregnancy and generally ends around the third month, once the hormones, HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and estrogen hormonal levels stabilize and the body has adjusted to the pregnancy.

Interestingly, actual vomiting is only experienced by a relatively small number of women. Most pregnant women experience nausea during the first trimester (the first 3 – 4 months) of pregnancy, but don’t have the vomiting associated with the condition. The good news: morning sickness is unpleasant but generally not dangerous.

What does morning sickness feel like?

Morning sickness is characterized by feelings of nausea and vomiting. Secondary symptoms may include an improved sense of smell, dizziness and headaches. It is however, poorly named as morning sickness can affect pregnant women at any time during the day. I personally used to feel sick when I was traveling in cars. About 33% of pregnant woman actually vomit because of it, but about 80% of women do feel nauseous at some point in the early stages of their pregnancy.

Causes of morning sickness

Morning sickness is  probably triggered by hormonal changes, also blood sugar levels, lifestyle and genetic factors can affect the severity of the condition. Although doctors aren’t exactly sure about the exact causes of morning sickness, there have been studies that suggest that vomiting is more common in women who consume fatty food or foods high in sugars, than woman who eat a healthy whole gain, low fat diet. This could be interpreted as that the body is trying to remove toxins from an unhealthy diet that may harm the baby by vomiting.

Can morning sickness be dangerous or life threatening?

Hyperemesis Gravidarium is a rare genetic condition that can cause life threatening symptoms. Ask your mother and grandmothers if they experienced this form of severe morning sickness.

Morning Sickness Remedies

– Peppermint or ginger teas, sodas or candies

– Hypnosis

– Acupuncture or Acupressure

Another way to relieve morning sickness is by taking care of your diet. Here are a few guidelines to follow:

1. Eat as soon as you wake up in the morning or even eat in bed before you start moving – This is a great excuse for breakfast in bed.

2. Avoid high fat food or foods high in sugars – They are not good in general and they are even worse during pregnancy.

3. Eat and chew tour food slowly – Take your time while you are eating. This will also prevent you from overeating.

4. Eat food that are rich in protein such as milk, fruit, cheese, nuts and yogurt.

5. Drink a lot of water – Nothing moves inside the body without water. So water is crucial especially during this crucial period.

Morning sickness may come with unpleasant symptoms but it also brings an opportunity to start a healthy lifestyle. And trust me, you will need all the energy you can get when your little one comes along.

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