Pregnancy Symptoms if It’s a Boy or Girl
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Pregnancy Symptoms if It’s a Boy or Girl

The gender of the baby is one of the most highly anticipated aspects of pregnancy. Many old wives tales thought to predict the gender of an unborn child exist.

While these pregnancy symptoms are fun ways to predict the gender of the baby, the only true determination is an ultrasound or amniocentesis.


Many women experience cravings during pregnancy. Traditional beliefs about pregnancy symptoms indicate that the type of cravings a woman experiences during pregnancy may vary based on the baby’s gender. Many people believe that a woman pregnant with a girl will crave sweets, fruit and orange juice. A woman carrying a boy will crave sour or salty foods. Protein cravings–such as meat and cheese cravings–are also thought to indicate a boy. While some women may find that these cravings are accurate indicators of the gender of their baby, many others do not. Cravings are more likely caused by the hormones of pregnancy rather than the gender of the baby.

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is a common symptom of pregnant women, particularly in the first trimester. Some women are lucky enough to not experience morning sickness at all; others are plagued with severe morning sickness well into the pregnancy. The severity of morning sickness is thought to point to the gender of the baby being carried. A woman who suffers severe morning sickness that lasts all day long is thought to be carrying a girl. A woman with less morning sickness or none at all may be carrying a boy.


Many people believe that the mother’s appearance may indicate the gender of the baby. If a woman looks better than ever, the baby is thought to be a boy. A mother whose nose spreads during pregnancy is also thought to be carrying a boy. An old wives tale says that a girl will steal her mother’s beauty, therefore making her look worse than usual. The amount of acne may also indicate the gender of the baby. Many people believe that a woman carrying a baby girl may have severe acne. A woman with less acne may be pregnant with a boy.

Baby’s Position

A common predictor of the baby’s gender is how the baby is being carried. A baby who is carried high is thought to be a girl, while a baby being carried low is thought to be a boy. Along the same lines, if a woman is carrying mainly in the front, the gender prediction is a boy. If the mom-to-be is carrying the weight all over, the baby may be a girl. The appearance of the belly may also indicate the gender based on old wives tales. A basketball shaped belly is likely to hold a boy, while a watermelon shaped belly is growing a baby girl.

Baby’s Heart Rate

The heart rate of the baby is often used to predict the gender of the unborn baby. Most people believe that faster heart beats belong to a baby girl, while slower heart beats belong to a baby boy. A baby with a heart rate higher than 140 beats per minute is presumed to be a girl. A heart rate less than 140 beats per minute is thought to indicate a boy. While many people believe the heart rate theory, several studies have disproved the effectiveness of the heart rate as an indicator of the baby’s gender.

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