2 mins read

How to Heal Ingrown Hairs

You know that ingrown hairs can cause problems in plenty of places. The bikini area, thighs and even your face may have telltale red bumps and show signs of itching and inflammation from hairs that don’t quite poke through the skin’s surface. Ingrown hairs can often be painful and uncomfortable–not what a busy mom needs with so many other demands on your time. You may even choose to forgo the extreme shaving and waxing that otherwise maintains your sexiness to avoid that itching and pain. If left untreated, ingrown hairs can cause infection and disfigure your skin. No one wants that, right? Treat ingrown hairs properly for greatest comfort and to keep enjoying smooth, sexy skin.

3 mins read

Running to Stand Still

Ive fallen off the wagon on multiple fronts. My blog is dying on the vine and I have about 10 of them written in my head but have yet to sit the hell down and write them out. So before I get into the stories of the last few months one of which will be entirely dedicated to kids and babies BARFING I thought I would start with how Ive stopped taking my own advice and found myself in a slump.

5 mins read

Finding My Way In An Economic Downturn

By Guest Blogger, Tamara Arbeiter I was recently laid off from my job. The Record of Employment I just received in the mail stated Economic reasons for my departure. As company policy goes, I was asked to leave immediately. Comforted only by the fact that a handful of very senior executives were also laid off that day, I packed up my desk, grabbed my kids photos and artwork and left, without time for goodbyes.

3 mins read

GREEN FAMILY?by design

Saving the planet is a little like finding your soul — it takes some work and creativity, but the outcome is a gift that will last generations. One day I was digging thorough the busy home of well-traveled inhabitants, and wondered how I could simplify my life, and at the same time prevent some of my embarrassing clutter from becoming a future archeological find. Separating trash is one thing but what if I took it to a new level, using what I know as a designer and a Mom?