2 mins read

How Soon After Conception Does Morning Sickness Start?

Although it’s known as “morning sickness,” the nauseau that accompanies pregnancy can happen at any time of the day. According to MayoClinic.com, morning sickness plagues as many as 90 percent of pregnant women at some point during their pregnancy. For most women, it starts in the first trimester and is gone by the second, although it can last throughout the entire pregnancy. If you are trying to get pregnant, you may be hoping that feeling nauseated is a sign that you are finally pregnant.

3 mins read

How Does Cigarette Smoke Affect Growth?

Smoking will stunt your growth. It’s a warning that has passed from generations of parents to children. But does science support the claim? In fact, researchers have found that smoking can affect growth throughout a person’s life, sometimes in ways that may surprise you. But it should be no surprise that smoking poses the greatest threat to the development of children and unborn babies.

4 mins read

Revisiting Autism and Gaming

My son played in his first gaming tournament on Saturday. What was the experience like? On the one hand, I was rooting for him and wanted him to do well. He’s new at this type of competition. He loves playing the game and wants to compete. But, he’s going up against very experienced, world class…