7 mins read

A Secretive Spouse

So weve all heard of Sandra Bullocks motor-head husband Jesse James having some sexy times with a girl nicknamed Bombshell, while Ms. Bullock was off filming The Blind Side. I guess with this guy, when the cats away, the mouse will play. And what about Sam Mendez, husband to the beautiful Kate Winslet? Hes rumored to have also cheated. And we all know about the famous, Mr. Tiger Woods.

6 mins read

Calling Out All Cougars!

Todays Blog Post was sort of like a joint effort between myself and the yummy mummies at the local Second Cup Cafe. It all started with my girlfriend, who met me for a coffee after school drop off. What are you writing about today? she asked. Not quite sure. Was thinking about Cougars. What do you think? I replied. In no time, we had about 5 women there, all throwing ideas my way, me typing as quickly as I could. I know why I never go to that particular Cafe to write. Its VERY distracting. But FUN!

3 mins read

Dangers in Dating

Dating is a way to get to know someone more intimately; however, it is not always safe. There are risks associated with dating that can affect any person, especially inexperienced and unsuspecting individuals. At times, even the people you thought you already knew may not turn out to be who you thought they were. It is important to safeguard yourself before you make any mistakes that can lead to a lot of regrets.

3 mins read

Child Custody Rights

Child custody rights vary based on state regulations and the family’s particular situation. Most courts determine child custody rights by taking several factors into consideration, including the child’s age, the child’s mental health, the child’s physical state, the parents’ mental and physical health, social factors, emotional bonds among various members of the family, the child’s location, the impact of custody changes on the child and–in cases where the child is around age 12–the child’s preference.

2 mins read

Natural Cures for Constipation During Pregnancy

Constipation during pregnancy is a common ailment. Constipation can be particularly severe in the first trimester. As this is when baby is most vulnerable to outside influences, most medications are out of the question. Luckily, there are several natural cures for constipation during pregnancy that are both safe and effective. These small changes can make big improvements in your comfort.