4 mins read

Dealing With Breast and Nipple Soreness When Breastfeeding

A highly rewarding experience with many health benefits for your child, breastfeeding may also come with its own set of problems for mothers, including breast and nipple soreness. Nipple pain is generally caused by nipple trauma such as cracks, abrasions, blanching, vasospasm (blood vessel constriction) and milk blisters. The baby’s latch traumatizes the nipple, causing painful injury or a blockage of pores and preventing the flow of milk. Breast pain problems include engorgement, plugged ducts, mastitis and thrush. Engorgement occurs when the breasts get very full and hard and sensitive. A plugged duct, in which the flow of breast milk gets blocked, may feel like a hard, tender area on one of your breasts. Plugged ducts are often a precursor to mastitis, which occurs when an infection leads to an inflammation of the breast. Mastitis can be very painful and is usually accompanied by a fever of 101.3 degrees F. According to Maureen Minchin in “Breastfeeding Matters,” mastitis occurs in 1/5 of breastfeeding women in the West. But, there are ways to relieve each of these problems, so that you can continue feeding and bonding with your baby.

2 mins read

How to Stimulate Sexual Desire for a Woman

Low sexual desire is a common problem for many women. If ignored the problem may become chronic. Unfortunately, this can become a real problem when a woman with low libido is paired with someone with a higher sex drive. Luckily the problem of low sex drive has been well studied and there are several things any woman can do to stimulate sexual desire. No matter what the cause of low sexual desire, these tips are sure to help get your love life back on track.

2 mins read

What Are the Side Effects of Collagen Injections?

A nicer smile. Fewer wrinkles. A more attractive nose. These are just a few of the benefits of collagen injections. These injections have been used for years, usually without any serious problems. But a small group of people have found there’s a price to pay for improved appearance. They may have an allergic reaction to some forms of collagen. There also can be side effects to collagen injections. Fortunately, there are safe alternatives.

3 mins read

What Does it Take to Own a House?

Owning a home is a dream for many people that, with some proper planning, can easily become a reality. There are a few necessary items potential buyers will need in order to become homeowners—namely money, knowledge of the local real estate market (or the services of a licensed real estate agent), and patience. Time is another factor. Unless you find the perfect house right away, budget for a minimum of 2 months to find a house and close the deal. It takes an average of 30 to 45 days for a house to close. After that, you must purchase home owner’s insurance and sign a variety of documents. Then the house is yours.