2 mins read

Bedtime Tips for Sleep-Deprived Mommies

Keeping our bodies strong, flexible and toned is key to great physical health, but not to be underestimated is the importance of quality sleep. We spend approximately a third of our life sleeping, during which our bodies repair, rejuvenate and reset mental and physical functionality.

6 mins read

Sleep Training: The Myths and Facts

Sleep training is a hotly debated topic. Advocates and opponents have set up camps on two opposing sides of the sleep training divide with seemingly no middle ground. Proponents of sleep training argue that it does not harm the child and has benefits for the child and family. Opponents say that “cry-it-out” techniques are cruel…

8 mins read

Sleepless Nights: A Mother’s Survival Guide

I used to see late nights with the kids as the mental-emotional equivalent of a spike-ridden ball and chain. Walking around a dark dwelling half-lidded with the temperament of a menopausal dragon, this “ball and chain” was constantly tripping me up. While my grumpiness seemed necessary, it made the challenges of functioning with a late-night…

4 mins read

Sleep Better

Here is something you may not know about me- I LOVE to sleep!! If I could, I would sleep 9 to 9.25 hrs a day. Yup, that is my exact science broken down to when my body wakes up naturally and happily. This amount of time also give me a few minutes to get out of bed slowly while enjoying the sunshine streaming across my face.