10 mins read

The Bully at the Bus Stop! What your child is not saying but trying to tell you!

Kids from as young as 3 years old and into their teens often communicate indirectly. They might think they are being direct and very often they have high expectations for us as parents that we should have got it or heard exactly what they were telling us. Picking up on their hints, reading their mood change, translating their body language and responses is an ongoing parenting challenge.

3 mins read

Fun Educational Kid Games

Lots of educational games for today’s kids are synonymous for fun. While kids are entertained and engaged in a variety of educational games, they are also learning, practicing or polishing various skills, in such areas as science, math, reading and logic. These fun educational games are available as boxed and packaged games, computer games or on-line games.

6 mins read

My Kid’s First Day at Summer Camp – Ah!

This morning I shipped two little boys off to camp. I know what youre saying Day camp! Get over yourself, Mamma! But really, Im not over it. Im totally still in it. And the flood gates havent shut off yet. If youre a mom with a kid starting a first day of school, a first day of daycare, a first day of camp, or any place where youre sending your child into the unknown, then I know you can relate.