2 mins read

Gifts for Teenage Girls

The wide variety of toys and easy-to-please attitude of most young children simplifies gift buying. As kids reach the teen years, their tastes change and many become more selective. If you have a teen girl on your shopping list, consider her interests and style before buying. A thoughtful gift that matches her personality earns you a lot more credit than a one-size-fits all gift idea.

2 mins read

Ways to Go Green for Children

Green activities teach children to conserve the planet and its resources for themselves and future generations. Helping kids go green shows them that they can make an impact, even as a child. Green habits formed at an early age are more likely to be continued into adulthood. The specific age of the child influences the types of green lifestyle changes that will work the best.

3 mins read

Happy Birthday Gifts for Kids

Finding a special birthday gift for a child is not always easy, partly because he may lose interest within a few hours of receiving it. Find gifts that the child will truly enjoy not only on his birthday, but also in days to come. Gifts that can spark a child’s imagination and encourage learning–while providing hours of fun–are ideal birthday gifts that will make the child happy and stay interested longer.