5 mins read

Energy Drinks: Do You Know What Your Kids Are Drinking?

This is Part I of Bright Beacon’s series on Energy Drinks. Don’t miss Part II – “Skip The Speed: 5 Reasons Teens Should Avoid Energy Drinks”and Part III – Energy Drinks: The Danger Of Creating “Wide-Awake Drunks” Energy drinks are caffeinated beverages advertised as boosting the immune system, enhancing performance, and creating a buzz or a high. Most parents cannot differentiate between an energy drink and a carbonated soda. And even fewer can explain specifically to their kids why energy drinks might be unhealthy.

2 mins read

Foods for Energy During Pregnancy

Exhaustion and pregnancy go hand-in-hand for many expecting moms. If you are looking for an energy boost, step away from that candy bar. It might give you a quick boost, but healthier food choices give you longer-lasting energy to make it through the day — or at least until nap time. Keep the high-energy snacks on hand wherever you go so you always have a healthy boost available. An extra 300 calories per day helps keep up with the demands of growing a baby.