2 mins read

How to Keep Your Kids Safe Online

Internet safety is just as important as safety in the streets, on playgrounds and all other venues. Predators, as well as the foolishness and the curiosity of children, make the Internet a dangerous place for kids to hang out alone. By preparing children properly for their experience online, you can give them the tools necessary to be safe and wise online. Keep the Internet a positive, educational, enriching location by being proactive. Don’t wait for something to happen. Stop it in its tracks.

3 mins read

Tools & Tips for Parents to Keep Kids Safe Online

Kids are growing up in a digital world–using the Internet at school, at home, and even on their phones and video game systems. While the Internet provides children with easy access to information they need to do school projects and entertainment options such as games, there’s also the potential for danger. Parents can use tips and tools designed to help keep kids safe online to protect their children while they’re browsing the Internet.

2 mins read

Expert Advice About Pregnancy

When you get that positive test result confirming your pregnancy, a million questions are likely to flood your mind. With so many opinions, old wives’ tales and rumors, you may find expert advice to be your best source for answers. Seek out reputable advice and get the information you’ve been seeking.