3 mins read

How to Organize Storage Space

One in 10 U.S. households rents a self-storage unit according to the Self Storage Association. You, too, may have outgrown your storage space as fast as a toddler outgrows her shoes. With so much stuff crammed into our at-home closets and cupboards that we are spending extra money to store unused objects, it’s no wonder we struggle to manage unruly storage spaces. Tackle the issue head on and learn the fine art of letting go. It will be good practice for when the kids leave the nest.

2 mins read

How to Organize My Closet Space

A tidy, organized closet seems like an impossible dream for some people, but simple organizational strategies help you keep everything in order. With a sense of organization, you can more easily find your favorite pair of heels and that cocktail dress that goes so well with them. Whether you have a tiny closet or a large walk-in, an organizational system that makes sense to you is the most effective choice. An initial organization session, followed by regular organizational maintenance, keeps your closet from getting out of hand again.

6 mins read

Are You Ready for Another Baby?

Ive been cleaning out our playroom for the last four years. Every six months or so, I get sick of the mess, I grab a fistful of trash bags, and I start tossing stuff. Games with missing pieces, half-finished art projects, Bionicles with severed limbs… it all gets sent to the big playroom in the sky.

2 mins read

Kids’ Bedroom Design Ideas

Whether you are redecorating a bedroom or designing the layout for a new house, your kids need a bedroom that not only is visually appealing but that is also functional. Some considerations of bedroom functionality may not have occurred to you, but they can help your kids spend meaningful time in their bedrooms, whether it’s sleeping or doing homework. Before long, your kids will be showing off their bedrooms to their friends.