6 mins read

Beloved Books to Share With Your Kids

Do you remember that wonderful feeling of snuggling up under the covers with your favorite book? Or acold winter night when your parents read you a story while a fire burned in the fireplace and snow fell softly outside. With books, these memories come alive again. And those old books and treasured memories can be shared with your own children, building a bond across the generations.

3 mins read

The Davenport Hotel and Tower- Spokane WA

Some of the most cherished time in my life is when I get one on one time with my best friend, my husband. Last weekend, my Hubby and I went on a date to the Davenport Hotel in Spokane, Washington. It was a beautiful sunny day, and when we arrived at the hotel we had only intended on checking it out. The beauty and atmosphere of the hotel captured us, and we decided to stay …