3 mins read

Tooth Brushing for Children

What do LED lights and hidden web cams have to do with getting your child to brush his teeth? In most cases, nothing. But, scientists at the National Taiwan University created an interactive video game that shows kids which areas they successfully managed to rid of plaque and debris — and which areas still need cleaning. Kids appear to do a better brushing job using this special toothbrush, but you can get your child to brush even without all the bells and whistles.

3 mins read

Why Using a Professional Power Toothbrush Makes a Difference #OralBSponsored

Before receiving the Oral-B Professional Precision 5000 as part of a blog tour with Modern Mom my family was using the least expensive battery powered toothbrushes we could find from our local grocery store. I could definitely feel and see the difference using a power toothbrush was making over a manual one. However, the Oral-B Professional not only feels 10x better than the battery powered brush I was using; it has also corrected my brushing habits.