16-Year-Old Birthday Party Game Ideas
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16-Year-Old Birthday Party Game Ideas

Get ready for the invasion of the teenagers by planning specific games for guests to play at your teen’s 16th birthday party. Choose the games carefully, based on what your teenager likes. While some teenagers like to pretend they are little adults, others may enjoy the opportunity to spend a few hours being silly and childish once again.

Games That Fit the Theme

Take the theme of the party under consideration when picking games. If the birthday girl wants a Sweet 16 Dance party, have a dance competition, and may the best dancer win. A movie or celebrity-themed party can feature a Hollywood trivia game. Just make sure you prep by reading the tabloids and celebrity blogs for a few weeks beforehand. Outdoor games, such as relay races or a water balloon fight, would fit in well at a picnic or barbecue-themed party.

Significance of 16

Since many teenagers get their learner’s permit and then driver’s license when they turn 16, you may want to think of games that involve driving in some way. You may want to recruit other parents to drive the party guests around on a scavenger hunt. If your teenager plans to get an after-school job once she turns 16, part of the hunt can be scoping out places that are looking for part-time help. The guests can also look for automobiles for sale on the hunt.

Time Frame

Fit the games in between other activities at the party. Set out a few card or board games for guests to play as they arrive and are waiting for the party to start. You may want to play an ice breaker to get all the guests acquainted as the party begins. The games can also run concurrent to other activities at the party. If some guests want to run around outdoors or play video games instead of the planned game, let them.


The party’s size will determine the type of games you can play. Many outdoor games won’t work with a guest list of fewer than 10 people, while many board games become unruly when more than 10 people play at once. If you plan on throwing a huge Sweet 16 bash with 100 people or more, you may want to cut games from the agenda entirely or else have games as one of many activities happening at one time.


Even teenagers like to get prizes when they win a game. You can also give out small party favors at the end of the party if you don’t want to single anyone out. Keep the prizes age appropriate. Teenagers may not be as impressed with a piece of candy and a Matchbox car as younger children would be. Good prizes for teenagers include nail polish, costume jewelry or key chains. If you want to give a bigger prize for someone who wins a lot of games, consider giving out movie passes or a gift card to a local restaurant.

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